How to Display Your LEGO Titanic So Your Ship Never Sinks

Encasing a LEGO Titanic in an acrylic display case is one of many LEGO display ideas

Although it sank in 1912, people all around the world are still fascinated by the Titanic. If you’re one of those people, you’ll undoubtedly want to add the spectacular LEGO® Titanic set to your memorabilia.

And once you’ve put all the time and effort into building it, you’ll want to display it with care so you—and any guests—can admire all of the set’s intricate details. Not sure where to start? Read on.

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12 Plush Display Ideas to Organize Your Collection

Plush toys displayed in a retail setting

What is it about a comforting hug from a Teddy bear? French researchers found that the emotional bond one shares with their own teddy bear elicits a strong perception of comfort. For their study, they looked at participants’ experience with their own Teddy bears vs strange bears’ physical and sensory characteristics to determine if they make a bear more comforting. Unsurprisingly, participants preferred their own bears over a “stranger bear.” The results of their 2022 study were independent of participants’ age, meaning plushies can provide comfort at all stages of life.  

That explains the connection we feel with our plush toys—even as adults. But what about what to do with our collections of stuffed toys? We can help. Keep reading for creative plush display ideas to keep them organized and keep the nostalgic feelings flowing. 

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How to Clean Acrylic Picture Frames

Clean acrylic picture frames hanging on a wall

Whether you are hanging art in a retail environment or creating a gallery wall at home, there are plenty of things to consider when choosing frames. However, beyond the aesthetics of your that choice, there is a practical choice to make—whether to use glass or acrylic covers for your art. It’s no surprise that we favor acrylic picture frames at ShopPOPdisplays, but there are some good reasons you should favor it for your projects, too. Below, in addition to discussing how to choose one of our frames, we’ll talk about a few benefits of acrylic and then discuss in more detail one benefit in particular: how to clean acrylic picture frames. 

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