Dylan's Candy - Case Study
Keeping an Icon Alive
Client Problem: Design a durable, adaptable fixture with "wow factor" befitting a dynamic brand.
Our Solution: A flexible, stylish, easily re-merchandised display unit that reduces inventory lost to breakage and increases sales per square foot
While no one remembers how we established the relationship between our two companies, the collaboration came at a critical time for Lollipops.
According to our client Dylan’s Candy Bar, though iconic, the original Lollipop Tree fixture was neither "durable" nor reliable. A staple in all locations as both decoration and to merchandise an assortment of signature Whirly Pops, the original feature failed to meet their needs. It lacked the self-described "wow factor" they desired. Furthermore, given its lack of adaptability to securely hold and display a wide variety of signature candies without damage to both the candies and the display, the unit might have been on its way out.
Our design of an upgraded feature-rich Lollipop Tree needed to align with the whimsy of the brand. Key challenges included the addition of both structural and visual augmentations. Not only was our team interested in retaining the fixture as part of the store design, we seriously undertook a mission to overhaul it with an eye to making it more stable, easily re-merchandised, and capable of safely accommodating considerably more product than the original.
Engineers generated several design iterations based upon original features, adding enhancements increasing stability, facilitating simpler maintenance and merchandise replenishment. We employed large-scale 3-D rapid printing technology for both prototyping and production, along with digital printing and vacuum forming.
No longer losing ½ of their stock to breakage, Dylan’s now reports measurable increases in retail lollipop sales. Not selling Whirly Pops was never an option. Design elements including the use of negative space to balance a sense of fullness with openness encourage "quick grab" impulse buying. The narrow footprint and tiered design allow for maximum selling on minimal space. Added locking wheels offered additional stability and ease of movement.
Finally, the enhanced unit is capable of merchandising nearly three times its weight safely.

How do they see us?
When they saw the initial designs for the reimaged fixture, they called it "close to perfection." Their team described us as "persistent." According to them, "we delivered as well as we pitched."
We did not oversell our capabilities, but we were successful in over-delivering on their expectations. As a result, we are now collaborating on additional projects.